Weekend project!

Hi there, and welcome to my Weekend project blog post! This weekend will be overwhelmingly busy, but I am very excited to build again. We want to make a kitchen nook (from scratch), so we have more seating options when family and friends come over, and this nook was my inspiration, image source. I love the colors, was planning on adding some to our kitchen/dining area.

What’s your favorite part of this inspiring “Style at Home” image?

Also, make sure you guys follow me on Instagram @oheverythinghandmade, I will be sharing some of the steps during our process.

Kitchen nook

Find my kitchen nook tutorial here:

Kitchen Nook BenchWe build a Kitchen nook Bench back in October 2014, due to the lack of seating space we had in our kitchen/dining area. The project was intimidating at first, but I can assure you that adding the bench to our dining area was a smart decision. We sold our home a few months later, and the nook was one of the selling points for sure. But, today I like to show you how…







Find my house tour here:Pinterest 1st House Tour

I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since we moved into our home, but if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you probably hinted something? A big change is about to happen to my little family, we are moving again! Mr. OEH got new orders and we are heading back to Japan. I wanted to give you all a chance to see the home we live in. The house that…



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