DIY // Gold Splatter Top


Welcome to the DIY // Gold Splatter Top. A couple of weeks ago, I organized my paint and stain cans. I thought this task would be quick, and not require to change over my clothing.

So, I got started and before you know it, I had stain on my top that my mom had sent me from Germany – great!!!

I love the fabric and the light feel of this top, and throwing it out was not an option. I had put the top away, and almost forgot about it – until yesterday, when I was putting laundry away.

Then, I thought to have an idea, and got started. Here we go…

DIY // Gold Splatter Top- splattertop


Step 1.

Lay your top or shirt flat on a prepared flat surface (or you can also do this outside, with the top or shirt hanging on a wire hanger)

Step 2.

Mix your Acrylic and Medium together, please see manufacturer’s instructions on how much medium need to add to your acrylic paint.

Step 3.

Dip your brush into the mixture the splash over your top/shirt. Repeat until your design is complete.

Step 4.

When the front is complete, turn your top over and repeat step 3.

Step 5.

Use a wire hanger to hang your top up so it can dry. Make sure you let the paint dry for a couple of hours before you wash the top.


I hung my top outside (in the shade) to dry, after 3 hours I washed and hung it up to dry. Ironing was no problem and even steaming is fine.

Gotta love Textile Medium! Hope you enjoyed the tutorial, and will share your splatter shirt with us.

DIY // Gold Splatter Top- SplatterShirt

DIY // Gold Splatter Top- Splattertop2


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