Thank you – News – Collaboration

Hi, guys and welcome to Thank you – News – Collaboration. I want to take a quick moment to THANK YOU all. I am so grateful and blessed that you guys are visiting my blog -every day, once a week or even just occasionally. It doesn’t matter to me how often you take a peek, the fact that you do means SO much to me, and to be honest it also keeps me going when I am in doubt.

So, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Our Projects


Have you seen our sneak peek on instagram @oheverythinghandmade this weekend. I am so excited to share the kitchen bench with you (not today, but soon). It isn’t quite finished yet, but we will be wrapping it up in the next couple of days and will be installing a few new things along with it!

I sure got my work cut out with this project, and since Jasmine’s Birthday is this coming weekend, I wanted to make sure we would all have seating for our guests and us. This kitchen bench will hold up at least 6 extra people, so we are almost ready to rock & roll!

Last week I shared a little inspiring post, about what the bench might look like. I think I got pretty close, but you’ll have to wait a little to find out. I am working on a collaboration with Remodelaholic where I committed to be a contributor for the next year, that will involve this project, so please bear with me.

Anyways, I also like to mention our upcoming vacation – to Germany!!! It’s been two years since I’ve last visited my parents in Germany, but now that Bailey is old enough to fly such a big distance, we’ve decided to go. This means that our Shop will be closed from Oct. 5th to Nov. 1st, so I can catch up on open orders and get everything vacation ready!


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