IKEA KALLAX Flat File Cabinet Hack
It’s been a few months since I made the IKEA KALLAX Flat File Cabinet Hack, but we finally got it all figured out and the blog post/tutorial can now be found online.
I love to work with Remodelaholic, they’ve put so much work into my video to make it look presentable and fun. I originally had send them snippets of my building steps and I wish I would’ve had time to give you guys a bit more step by step video material.
This cabinet has given me so much extra storage, you can use it for many different storage options. To store your scrapbooking, with space for your cutter, glue machine, laminator in the bottom drawer.
For your kids crafts and drawings, for your vinyl business, to store your Essential oils, for your nail polish, documents, fabric you name it!
Thanks to the KALLAX frame I now have a beautiful storage cabinet that can hold so many different things.
Shop the material I used:
To stain the drawer fronts I used a water-based black stain first then I added a gray water-based stain on top. You can find a similar stain here:
Since this was a collab with Remodelaholic, please head over to IKEA HACK KALLAX INTO FLAT FILE CABINET + DRAWERS to find my cut list, instructions and step by step images.
I liked these flat file cabinet hacks. Thanks a lot for sharing this post.
You are welcome and thank you for stopping by.
Some good ideas, I think. However I can’t find your text between all the flashing ads. They make it very hard to follow.
I am so sorry, we have implemented some changes which decreased the ads. Thank you for letting us know.