DIY // Amethyst drop earring

The amethyst is the birthstone of February, and one of my favorite stones to work with. You can find a selection of jewelry with Amethysts incorporated, Here.

Today, I will show you how to make a gold drop amethyst earring. Simply follow the step by step instructions and at the end you’ll have a new hand-crafted pair of earrings.

The Tools you need:

(22 Gauge Wire can be found at Widget supply | 6mm Amethyst rondelles can be found on Etsy | Tools can be found at Cre8tvqn)

1. Start by cutting your wire into 2 x 4″ inch pieces, and use your point-finger to bend each wire in the center, as shown above.

2. Add the 3 amethysts onto your wire, and shape each end to your desire. Fold the left side over the ride side wire, this will help your wire to keep stable.

3. Use your round pliers to make a loop into your right side wire.

4. Now fold the right side wire underneath the left wire.

5. Wrap your right side wire around twice, and cut off the left-over piece.

6. At last, take your left wire and wrap it around; from the top going downwards, so your wire end is in between each wrap.

You are almost done, repeat step 1-6 to make the second earring. Add ear wires to complete your New gold drop amethyst earrings.

Please share your thoughts:

I would like to know if this DIY is still to hard to accomplish. Your input will help me in providing you easier DIY’s in the future.

Wish you a nice weekend and happy crafting.


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    1. Thank you Nikki, if you aren’t subscribed to my blog already, make sure you do it today.

      There will be a huge Giveaway for 4 of the latest DIY’s. You don’t want to miss it!!!

      Hope to have you on the team!

  1. Wow, you make it look so easy. I never thought I was much of a crafter but I think I’m going to try this!

  2. Looks like I could accomplish this if I invest in the right pliers. Thanks for sharing this project! I bet my
    10 yr. old niece would enjoy helping me create these!

  3. I just made them – pretty easy! Mine doesn’t look as polished as yours, though – I felt all thumbs and the wire is a bit crimpy. Is there any way to smooth it out?? Thanks! I also did your ribbon necklace – it’ll be a gift to my Mom!

  4. These are so simple and yet so beautiful! I am going to make a pair for my niece. She’ll just love them. Thanks so much for the tutorial.

  5. These amethyst drop earrings are beautiful! I love how easy the tutorial makes it look. Definitely going to try making these myself!

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