DIY // Baby – toddler harem pants
Today, I like to share how I made the DIY Baby – toddler harem pants for my daughter Jasmine!
I never thought about making Jasmine pants or shirts, until last week!!! I can’t believe how many clothes she’s grown out of, it almost seems like she grew out of most of her favorite things overnight. I normally don’t have to buy any clothes for her because grandma sends us almost every month a package with clothes for both of my little cookies.
Anyway, the last packages we got from grandma had some cold weather clothes in them still. But, we had almost 100 F this week and anything with long sleeves would be a torture for my babies. That’s where the idea of making Jasmine some clothes came in, I started with some toddler harem pants by brindilleandtwig.
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DIY // Baby – toddler harem pants
Material needed:
I captured a few steps from the process, it really wasn’t hard to put together and took me only 30 min.

I used a light fabric because I don’t want her sweating up a storm while wearing these. The fabric I picked up at Michael’s for only a couple of bucks.

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Hey Bettina! Are you still in Okinawa? I’m thinking of organizing a little group of local, Oki bloggers for a lunch or dinner. If that’s something that interests you please let me know!! Cheers!
PS – these pants are adorbs!
Hi Kassie, no we a re back in the states! I emailed you…
Hi do you have to pattern available? X
Please can I have this pattern it’s adorable for my grandsons
The pattern can be found here:
Wicked cute!!