Our Exclusive Jewelry Tutorials – on Craftsy

OhEverythingHandmade on Craftsy Feature New

Hi there, I am so excited to announce that OHE is collaborating with Craftsy.com! You may have been wondering why my jewelry tutorials have been so sporadic. To answer this question, it’s because I wanted to focus my blog on home & decor DIY projects. But, because I still have quite a few of you that like to see more of my jewelry tutorials, I am very happy to tell you that starting this November – you’ll be able to find each of the following months, a new jewelry DIY on the Craftsy’s Blog.

OhEverythingHandmade on Craftsy Labradorite

My passion for jewelry DIY’s is enormous, but I had to set some priorities about what my blog should be about in order to not confuse some of you. We will still share Oyin’s exquisite jewelry tutorials each month, but my own tutorials will be written exclusively for Craftsy.com, starting at the end of November 2014.

OhEverythingHandmade on Craftsy Rose

What to expect:

  • Quick and easy jewelry tutorials
  • Budget-friendly pieces
  • Tutorials for earrings, necklace, rings and bracelets
  • Mixed media instructions
  • Gorgeous images and videos
  • Tips and tricks on how to transform old pieces into new jewelry
  • My own metalsmith secrets
  • Giveaways with your chance to win each month’s finished jewelry tutorial

OhEverythingHandmade on Craftsy Tutorial

OhEverythingHandmade on CraftsyFeatureSmall

Craftsy are also given each of my readers the possibility to purchase each class at a discounted price, so please make sure you check back here for any offers I will be sharing. To sign up for a free account click, right here.

OhEverythingHandmade on Craftsy Red Roses

I will keep you all in the loop each month by posting each jewelry tutorial link on our Facebook page, and I will share a sneak peek on our instagram account.


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