My DIY To-Do-List

Last week Nakia mentioned that I am overloading myself with projects, and he is afraid they won’t get done and just be stored in the garage. Yea, I had to promise him not to take any more projects and finish the ones I have. While telling myself to finish things up around here, it’s not always possible due to my two little ones. The only time I can really tackle a project is when they both sleep at the same time or when hubby is home, so he can watch them while I am working in the garage. So, in order to get my projects done I thought to make a To-Do-List and scratch each item off when complete. On top of finishing each project, I am also trying to give you guys the How-to-do step by step instructions, which can be a challenge sometimes! However, let’s start with the list and the images to each project.

Bailey'sChestDrawerThe chest drawer for Bailey’s room is coming along, I have the two racks already assembled and painted with 2 coats each, 3rd coat will go on it when everything is put together, I still need to add the trimmings and the top, bottom and the open side box. SONY DSCWith all these projects going on, I sure have no time to think about a bathroom makeover, but I will start soon to take little steps to give it a more modern look. As of right now the faucets have these brass handles that are starting to oxidize (show spots), which really isn’t looking too good. So, my first step into modernizing my master bathroom, is to spray paint the brass handle with the Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze. BathroomShowerThe next project would be to spray paint the shower with the same Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze, and give the tiles and bottom of our shower a coat of the paint from the Tile Transformation Kit. And last but not least, I will take down the wallpaper border and paint the bathroom a nice coastal color (I haven’t decided on the exact color yet). ChairRefurbishingThese dining room chairs, take forever to finish. I have probably already worked on them for a month or so, the sanding is a pain in the A$$ and I can only sand the chairs on a weekend. It’s been so hot here the last month that I was sweating so much that it dripped from my face while I was sanding (so not fun!!!), but luckily the heat has dropped last week and I should be able to finish the last two chairs with sanding and hopefully stain them in the next couple of weekends. Upholstering shouldn’t take me too long, it’s a simple project see instructions by thediydreamer FRAMEdiyThis project was inspired by my love for IKEA Frames. Their frames are affordable but I thought I could make my own by spending less than $10 per 20×20 frame. I will try to finish this project this week. So, a DIY tutorial should be up by next week.  KitchenThe good old kitchen, with the most annoying backsplash I have ever seen. This kitchen was built back in 2004 and it screams to be updated. What we are planning on doing it to refinish the cabinets and put a new backsplash on, down the road we may add new countertops, but for now the cabinets and the backsplash is enough!StripedCurtainsI actually just worked on these curtains last night, as you can see they were much longer than the sheers. So, I set up my sewing machine and shortened them, I was able to finish 2, I have 2 more to get done after that I will be applying the painted stripes. And my last and most dreadful project is my armchair that I HAVE to tackle as soon as I am done with the chest drawer, curtains and the dining room chairs. I want this to be a special surprise for you guys, that’s why I am not publishing a picture of it yet. But I can tell you that much; it’s in need to be upholstered. Alright, that’s all for today… now let’s get back to those curtains!


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