Mother’s Day DIY – Silk Chain Bracelet

diy mother's day silk chain bracelet
diy mother’s day silk chain bracelet

In my mind, there is nothing more eternal than a mother’s love, not even a diamond! Mom is the one person that loves unconditionally and would sacrifice all just for you. So this Mother’s Day, why don’t you make something personal and sweet just for her.

~ Chains (2)
~ Crystal Chain (1)
~ Silk Fabric (in mom’s favorite color at your local craft store)
~ Jumprings (4)
~ Pliers (2)
~ Lobster Clasp (1)
~ Heart Charm (1) (alternative charm design)
~ Ribbon end finding (2)

Bracelet Size Made in this DIY: 7.5″ (standard female size)


1. Lay out all your tools.
diy mother's day chain bracelet_tools

2. Measure out about 7.5″ x 1/2″ of silk fabric. Fold it up and secure both ends with a ribbon end finding.
diy mother's day chain bracelet_step 2

3. Attach jump rings to each end of the big chain and attach the folded fabric.
diy mother's day chain bracelet_step 3

4. Thread the folded fabric through the big chain and attach jump ring
diy mother's day chain bracelet_step 4

5.  Attach the crystal chain to both ends.
6. Layout the 2nd curb chain, add the heart chain to a jumpring and attach to center of the chain
diy mother's day chain bracelet_step 5 and 6

7. Attach the chain to both ends. Add clasp to one end. Close the jumpring.
diy mother's day chain bracelet step_7

8. Mother’s new silk chain bracelet is done! Now package this in a nice gift box with a personalized Mother’s Day card.

Final mother's day silk chain bracelet
Final mother’s day silk chain bracelet

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