How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed

Are you struggling with a small shared space for your children as much as I did? Then this article is for you, in this blog post I will share How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed so your children can still enjoy their small space.

My daughter (7) and son (5) share a small room, therefore they slept in toddler beds for quite some time, until one day my daughter said, “MOM, I can touch the end of my bed with my toes”. That’s when I started thinking about other options, a bunk bed, trundle, or futon maybe? However, the layout of the kids’ room limited me even within those options.

We had looked everywhere for beds, with no luck. Living overseas is not always as glamorous as it seems, things like beds can’t be shipped to us from the states, bed measurements are different depending on the country you are in, and I had something specific in mind for the look of our bed. Building a trundle seemed like a great plan the more I thought about it.

A few weeks later I contacted Jen from to see if she had plans or if she would like to make me the plans for a trundle. This lady not only had plans, but she also adjusted them to fit our needs.

Hope you are ready for the cutest trundle there is?

Trundle Bed Step by Step Instructions

Let me tell you about these cute lashes, as I was looking into making my daughter trundle I wanted to add something cute to it that is sturdy and has dimension.

The wooden lashes seemed like the perfect addition instead of drawing them with paint. My daughter instantly fell in love with her new headboard.

If you’d ask me what the most labor-intensive part about this project was, I would have to say the “sanding”. I normally don’t mind sanding wood, but I had so many pieces to sand that my arm felt numb from all the vibrations and I was so sore the next day.

Let’s just blame the sander for now, other than that this could be a really fun project for a husband and wife team.

Ok, let’s look at the last few steps before I show you the finished bed.

Our cute kitty trundle bed was such a fun project, but it would not have been as easy without the held from Mrs. Jen (from Thank you for being such a fantastic helper and providing us with the plans for our cute kitty trundle bed.

So, here are the finished shots of the bed, with the shopping list for all the items we used during this project. And don’t forget to stop by Jen’s blog for the free building plans (link at the end of this post) for this cute kitty trundle bed.

How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed DIY Crafts and Projects Ideas
How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed DIY Crafts and Projects Ideas
How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed


How To Make A Cute Trundle Bed - collaborations with


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