We are going to Germany!

Yes, it is time for a vacation from my vacation destination! We moved to Okinawa, Japan 2 1/2 years ago due to my husbands deployment, I was fortunate to be able to go visit my family in Germany last year while pregnant (3 months). But it is time to go visit them again, now that little miss Jasmine is 1 year, my parents are very excited to meet her.

I am very anxious about flying internationally with a 1-year-old, I just hope she won’t be to difficult – we have a 12h flight plus a 6h layover and on top of that we have to drive 2 hours to my mother’s house. Let’s just pray to god she will sleep through it.

Today’s post is just a little announcement about our vacation schedule, my shops will be closed from Oct. 13th – Nov. 1st.

You will be able to browse my main shop, however the checkout will be closed! If you need to get a piece for a special occasion, make sure to order this week, or you will have to wait until Nov. 1st to do so.

I may not be posting extra post of new jewelry or feature sponsored spots. I would like to take the opportunity and relax with my family, anyhow I am working on special goodies for the next few weeks while I am gone!

If anyone is interested to know where we will be, here is a map (we will be in Stuttgart).


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  1. Yeah, bravissimo, have a save trip and enjoy your precious time with family. Herbst is a nice time the leaves are falling and slowly Weihnachts preparation is in the air. Ahhhhhhhhh, have some hot Coco, and Gluehwein. Enjoy your Mom’s cooking and baking, I know you will be eating a lot. I look forward hearing all about it. Til then be save.

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