Pregnancy // Feeling Thankful …Week 35



Phew! It’s almost the end of another great week. I can’t help but feel so grateful for this baby that we’ve been blessed with. When it comes to that time in your life when you’re ready for a baby, I know it doesn’t come right away for everyone. While we didn’t have a terribly long road for our second child, Nakia and I certainly had some bumps along the way {with our first child we almost lost hope, but after nearly 6 years we got pregnant}So we’re ever so grateful that to now be blessed again with this little one on the way to call our own. I have what seems like so friends in my life right now who are experiencing the sadness or disappointment of not getting pregnant or miscarrying, and I try my best to keep reminding them that, just like everything else, it really does work out in the end. Sorry to get all mushy, but it’s one of those things so many go through and not everyone talks about. And so, it really reminds me to continue to be thankful for the great things I have in life and to be here able to share it with all of you. 


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