Let it be spring…

Spring is my favorite season here in Texas, simply because the weather is right where I want it to be, not too hot and not too cold! One of my favorite things about spring, are the flowers that start blooming in spring. Ranunculus is one of them, it’s a puffy little flower that loves to grow in cooler soil. Tulips and Peonies are my other two favorites.

After decorating my home with flowers, I wanted to share a few tips how you can get your home spring ready, keep your plants and flowers alive and stay on budget!

Flowers in the office
Flowers in the office

Now that my new office is presentable, I added a little bit of color to my desk with these simple but “oh so lovely” tulips.

Tulips all day long
Tulips all day long
Ranunculus on my table
Ranunculus on my table

I am obsessed with these adorable ranunculus, they are so romantic and whimsical. I got me some artificial ones, just so I can enjoy them longer. And be honest, if you didn’t know better you would have thought they were real anyway, am I right?

Winding down while babies are sleeping
Winding down while the babies are sleeping

After a busy morning of running errands, I love to wind down with a cup of tea. The babies are sleeping and I finally get to take a deep breath and enjoy some quiet time.

A Pot of loveliness
A Pot of loveliness

Do you struggle with keeping your plants and flowers alive? Today, I’d love to share how you can keep them alive and enjoy your cut flowers longer.

How to keep plants and flowers alive:


Before you add your fresh flowers, make sure you cut the stems on an angle, add some flower food to your vase and fill about half of the vase with room temperature water.

On Day 1
Remember to change the water daily, trim the stems at an angle every few days, and keep the flowers away from direct heat and sunlight.

On Day 3
Discard dried leaves and withered blossoms and transfer the healthy ones to a more modest but similarly shaped vessel befitting a smaller bouquet.

On Day 5
As more flowers perish, tightly cluster the remaining ones in a diminutive round vase, which perfectly underscores the now wide-open blooms.

On Day 7
It would be a shame to throw out even one beautiful rose. Float it in a pretty tea-cup and place it on a bedside table.

(Source via Real Simple) 


Eliza Blank from Kinfolk has 10 great tips for the black thumb kinda person, I highly recommend following her tips if you have indoor plants that you like to keep alive.

What are your secrets for keeping your plants or flowers alive? Share with us!!!


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