How to Flock a Christmas Tree On A Budget

Have you ever wondered how you could give your old Christmas tree new life? Today, I like to share a simple tutorial on How to Flock a Christmas Tree On A Budget.

We bought this 7′ Christmas tree on Craigslist to save some dollars. It came with no lights, no flocking but was brand new. After we put it together, we realized that something was missing! I needed more Christmas on my tree.

I had tried the artificial snow spray but didn’t want my kids to get the snow all over themselves while playing around the tree. And I also didn’t like the ingredients of the artificial snow. So, I search the web for non-toxic snow that was permanent.

How to flock your Christmas tree non-toxic

Luckily, I found Bonding Flock; it requires no adhesive because it is a self-adhesive flocking material, which sticks when applying water to the flocking process.

Bonding Flock is pure cellulose, non-toxic, flame retardant, biodegradable, shake proof and rain and fog resistant, so it is safe and environmentally friendly.

Flocking a Christmas tree by oheverythinghandmade

What you need to flock a Christmas tree:

Total: $64.40

I love the way it turned out, there are also a few images on how to apply the bonding flock.

Before - How to Flock a christmas tree

Before I started with the bonding flock application, I added some pine cones to my branches to give the tree a real overall look and feel. Use floral wire to wrap the pine cones to the branches.

How to flock a Christmas tree by oheverythinghandmade


Step 1.

Lay out a big garage with brown builder’s paper, use this area for your branches to dry on.

Step 2.

Put on a dust mask, and start by misting the branch with plain old water.

Mist branch with water

Step 3.

After spraying the branch with water, apply the bonding flock with a shifter for smooth flocks.

Apply bonding flock to the branch

Step 4.

Lay the branch on paper and let dry 6-24h.


  • Shake branches well, so all the mist stays in the garage.
  • To apply a thicker flocking look – let the branch dry a few minutes, then spray the already flocked area with water and use more bonding flock.
  • Apply bonding flock to the ends of your branches, to achieve an authentic look.

How to flock a Christmas tree2 How to flock a Christmas tree1

Coming soon to Remodelaholic’s 12 days of Christmas:

How to make a scented Christmas wreath

How to make a scented wreath for the holidays700

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  1. Omg I’m so happy I found this post because I was about to buy my tree already flock and it’s way too expensive ! And I have the same problem ,with my daughter running around I need something save! Thanks so much!!!!

  2. Lovely! I would like to know please, in your experience, does this flocking ‘stay put’? Just wonder how it handles being taken apart and stored at season end. Thanks 🙂

    1. Colleen, good question. I put the tree up for this year, and was surprised by how well is has stayed on since last year. But, it did shed a bit. I would recommend spraying each branch with water again before putting it up again.

  3. Can I apply this to a wreath that is going to be outdoors exposed to the elements ?
    I’m hanging them on the outside of my windows

    1. Hi Corine, to be honest, I don’t think it will last. Rain, the wind, and possible snow or ice will probably take it all off. But, feel free to contact the company I used for this project and ask them directly. Good luck, and if you do end up using it, please share the outcome with us.
      Thank you
      xo Betty

  4. What a great find!!! I’ve used regular flocking and it’s really messy. Your tip is fantastic! I have a gorgeous flocked wreath that is about 10 years old. It’s looking a little tired, and I’m wondering if I can remove the flocking and reapply? I tried to spray new flocking over the old, but oddly enough, it also looks yellowed. Any ideas? If not, I will contact the company.

    1. Hi Kathleen, thank you so much for your comment.
      I was wondering did you referred to your old flocking to be yellowed? Not sure if I can help with that, since anything could have caused that, but maybe adding new flocking on top may cover up that old flocking?!

  5. Wow, what an amazing Christmas tree decor! I love it. I’m so glad I found your post! It is absolutely beautiful! I love a good flocked tree and this stuff really does look amazing! It makes such a difference and really brings in a Christmas vibe.

    Shuhana Allen

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