What you should add to your blog theme?
You may realized that I am changing my blog theme very often, this is not because I get bored easily!!! NO, it’s because I just can’t seem to find the right theme for me and my business.
So, my re-search taught me that these simple points or add-on’s are very important when creating or customizing a blog:
- Start with a simple theme like Lugada for Blogger or Twenty Eleven for WordPress(these are great if you are new to blog coding)
- Add your social network icons (give your readers more options to stay in touch with you)
- Add an “About” page (I always read the about page on blogs or even online stores)
- Add a contact button or form (you want your readers to be able to get a hold of you, right?)
- Add a search button (I use this quite frequently when on blogs; lets say I remembered a specific content or image on one of my favorite blogs, and if I can search it – it’ll make my stay more pleasant)
- Add a “Subscribe to Blog” option (RSS or per email)
- If you are posting content or images written or made by you, make sure to add your copyright policy.
So far so good. Now, I have tried the excerpt option on my blog for a while. For those that are not familiar with this language; the WordPress Excerpt is an optional summary or description of a post; in short, a post summary.
But, I realized that when I am on my favorite blogs, I want to just scroll up and down without having to click. So, it looks like I will be making some adjustments to my blog in the near future.
Ok, this is it for today. I’ll be back with more blog info next week, make sure to subscribe if you don’t want to miss it.