Beautiful MacBook Calligraphy Graphic [FREE Silhouette File]
I am back, after a much needed break. With a brand new Beautiful MacBook Calligraphy Graphic Freebie.
But, to be honest, I have been secretly thinking about leaving the blogging world for the past 2-3 Months. I have struggled with projects and content to write about since we moved to Okinawa, Japan. There are so many roadblocks here, with housing, wood building, storage and business opportunities. It’s been kicking my butt, and I am normally a very optimistic person.
Luckily, I have commitments with companies like; Craftsy, Remodelaholic, Afloral and Silhouette. These guys will keep me busy, so tossing the towel is not an option. But, I want you to know that building big things like my last years Farmhouse table is not going to happen on a regular basis.
Due to the fact that we are on a weight restriction for our household shipment when we return to the states, I can’t just build all kinds of crazy things. Hope you understand!
Ok, glad I got this out!
SO, let’s talk about Silhouette today, I am super excited to be working with Silhouette, these guys have the most amazing tools on the market for crafters and small businesses. I partnered with SA (SilhouetteAmerica) to bring you inspiration, freebies, and tutorials.
I love calligraphy, but you know that already, right?! The first contribution to my Silhouette portfolio is a MacBook Calligraphy Graphic FREEBIE, YAY!!! But, before I hand it over to you, I like to know if I have any readers that love SA, and what you would want me to feature for my next Silhouette post?
Download the Silhouette MacBook Calligraphy Graphic Here:
You can also find my Silhouette Pinterest Board right here >>>
Follow Oh Everything Handmade’s board ✐ OEH Silhouette Board ✐ on Pinterest.
Don’t stop your blogging! You will come back to more familiar grounds with less complications. What you are doing is enjoyed by many people like me. We will enjoy it no matter if it comes weekly or every month or showing up as a surprise every so often. May you and your family be blessed. –
Altagracia, you are so sweet. Thank you for the encouragement, it means a lot to know that there are actually readers out there who like me to stick around! xo Betty