The Closing Chapter of our Home

Finally, I am back on track! We are almost settled in Okinawa, Japan. But, before I start telling you all about our new adventure. I like to share “the closing chapter of our home”.

Early this year we put our house on the market for sale. The house sold in April, we received the first offer in the first two weeks of it being listed. But because we weren’t sure if the sale would go through, I decided not to mention the sale on my blog until after closing. Everything went well, and we are actually already in Japan.

I have to say, this little DIY break felt good. I was relaxing, re-charging, getting inspired and we spent some quality time with the family. But, I am excited to start sharing tutorials again. I have one almost ready for you, Dining Table with Apron and Corner Brackets (coming the week).

Today’s post feels a bit like closing a chapter, the chapter of our first House! We enjoyed this home for the past 3 years. During this time I have been asked numerous times to share where my inspiration for the choice of colors and decor came from.

I’ll be revealing my resources, and I’ll share a few of my favorite blogs where I find inspiration for projects. But most importantly, I will be sharing all colors I used in this home.

Let me start with the colors I used for our living room, and at the end I will share my sources with you.

Living room Color chart

Living room:


This living room was so spacious, and I was so scared once I got to think about decorating it. It took me a while to get it right. But once it was decorated to fit our needs, we loved it!

Powder room Before&After

Powder room:

The power room project was so much fun, I was excited about it from start to finish. And we loved how it turned out, I even believe it was a major selling point!

Overnight Playroom Makeover

Play room:

I know it when I see it“, have you ever heard of this term? It pretty much applies to this room. One day I stumbled across an inspiring instagram image, and instantly knew what was going to happen! One night later, I gave this room an entire new look! Check out my overnight playroom makeover, here.

The kids loved this space, it sure was one of the most used rooms in our house.



  • Rug: Target
  • Mannequin: Ebay
  • Wall art: Marshall’s
  • Billy Bookcases: IKEA

My office is one of the spaces I wish I could’ve taken with me, this room was airy and always bright – especially in the mornings!

My favorite blogs, shops and more:






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