Us in Japan

We are getting ready to move into our new duplex house, so we are trying to figure out how to arrange our Furniture. The duplex is 3 bedroom 2 bath (enough space for our growing family), with an ocean view …which I am extremely exited about!

hold on… there are more NEWS!!

Friends, I have some BIG news to announce today. I am so thrilled to tell you that we are expecting…a baby! I’m in my 1nd trimester, and we’re due October 1st. I got the full package of pregnancy…feeling sick, nauseous, and exhausted! on top I am having a hard time keeping up with work due to the fact that I just can’t focus! However, we’re thrilled to be able to share the news with you today. I’ll be sure to keep you posted about all the fun news along the way. –Betty


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    1. Hi Susanne,
      Oh I will… the first “critical” 3 months are soon to be over, we are very excited and hubby is taking care of us very well.
      Glad you came over to check out the new Blog, I may post some of your images within the next couple of weeks.

      Take care

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