Guest Write For Oh Everything Handmade
The handmade movement is accelerating at a fast pace. Hundreds of thousands of people are signing up for Etsy every month, and it is getting more difficult to get recognized. One way to increase your network, get more recognition, expand more exposure, contribute to the handmade community, and build back links is to write guest articles for blogs. Lets break the five main reasons you should be writing guest articles.
Increase your network:
When you are writing for other blogs in the handmade community you have the opportunity to meet other like-minded people. Let’s face we all need to make connections and hang around people who have things in common. Do you belong to an Etsy team? Do you join groups and Fan pages on Facebook? Putting your heads together helps everyone get things done faster and in the long run can improve your business.
Get More Recognition:
A little recognition goes a long way, and writing for other blogs in the handmade scene can increase it greatly. Just by writing articles for other blogs, readers understand that the blog publishing your article sees you as an expert in the topic you are writing about. The more you write the more your recognition will build.
Expand Your Exposure:
By writing on more blogs and websites you will reach different audiences and expand who sees your brand. By writing guest articles you are building a permanent brand that can bring you more traffic and sales.
Contribute To The Handmade Community:
We all have learned one or many things from blogs in the handmade community. Guest writing helps you give back and contribute to the handmade community. From featuring handmade goods to teaching, blog posts help the community is a huge way.
Build Back Links:
When you are guest writing on a blog you should be given the ability to link back to your blog, Etsy shop, and other sites. You should also be allowed a short bio. Back links will help your SEO, especially when they come from well know relevant blogs.
Guest Writing For Oh Everything Handmade:
Oh Everything Handmade is a growing blog and community with a vast social network. With over 200 fans to the Oh Everything Handmade Fan Page, 649 Twitter followers it is certain that your exposure and recognition will grow quickly. Oh Everything Handmade is designed to give back to the handmade community, so your guest posts will easily fill that role.
Every guest writer is given a bio and the ability to link back to as many sites as they like. With these links your SEO will improve. Also with every post you write there is an author bio at the bottom of your post.
The Oh Everything Handmade Team is looking for guest writers that are ready to grow their network and gain more recognition for their brand. I am looking for crafters, sellers, buyers, artists, designers, and bloggers affiliated with the handmade scene. If you are interested in getting more information on guest blogging for Oh Everything Handmade fill out the for below, and I will get back with you asap.
[contact-form subject=”Write for Bettina\’s Blog” to=”in**@bj*************.com“] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /] [contact-field label=”What would you write about?” type=”select” required=”true” options=”Fashion,DIY\’s,Recipes ,Other” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]